Woodcuts and Streaking

We got our wood cut brief on Wednesday!..We had to think of a line from a story in our lives and then recreate and image from that line to sum up the story. I love wood cuts so I was instantly dying to get into it..anyway I should probably write up my story to start off ..ahem..

Last year me and 5 other lads were living in a huge,damp shithole of a 7 bedroom, detached house in Galway. After about two months we had grown to love it but 2 of the lads had decided to drop out and we couldn't afford the rent so we had to up and leave.We felt we had to celebrate our time in that house by going on a mad one drinking..until eventually somebody came out with the great idea that 'streaking through the neighbourhood and out onto the main road' would be a great idea for our last night there. Anyway 2 of us agreed and we decided to go for it, football socks over our heads we were ready to go. One lad actually was wearing a child's shark costume over his head, I can't remember how or why..but anyway we left and started jogging and we thought it was great until we realised we were all unfit and couldn't make the run..by this stage we were stranded half way of the distance we had planned to run.. we had no choice but to hide out in somebody's garden, naked and quickly sobering up until we had the breath to run home and pray the guards wouldn't drive past.

So here's my image that I worked up on the block ...

I've printed it today and it's come out well,I'm working on my second block to add in colour on Monday , maybe some flesh tones or a nice yellow to add some depth and contrast ...

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